Lichens are not plants
I’ve been taking pictures of “little plants” for a little while. The most consistent aspect of this photos is that they contain lichen, sometimes moss.
Turns out a lichen is not a plant. See Wikipedia for more info but in short: “A lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi species in a mutualistic relationship.”
Ah well, still going to refer to them as little plants. But let the record show that I now know my error.
Little Oaklander plants
Little Londoner plants
Saw these teeny tiny moss flowers on a walk with GC, BW, and HB yesterday. <3
Little Welsh plants
Little Icelandic plants
- Slender bedstraw (Galium normanii) near the bathing pool at Landmannalaugar
- Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) off of Þingvallavegur near Öxarárfoss
- Wild thyme (Thymus praecox ssp. arcticus) off of Þingvallavegur near Öxarárfoss
- Sea campion (Silene uniflora) off of Landmannaleið near Hekla
Little Scottish plants