
Effie Bradley’s memoranda

Over the holidays, Grandpa showed me Effie Bradley’s daily memoranda. Effie was his grandma on his mother’s side, so my great-great grandmother. I asked if Effie was short for anything, he wasn’t sure. It may have been Euphemia, but maybe Effie wasn’t a nickname.

The relative that typed up the memoranda was June Bradley Piper, Grandpa’s double cousin. Double cousins are related via both parents (two brothers partnering with two sisters). I’d never heard of that before. I think June was named after Grandpa’s paternal grandfather June Piper. I didn’t know June was used as a male name. Via Wikipedia: “As a boy’s name, June reached a peak in 1922 at 697th, but then also declined and left the top 1000 list in 1939.”

This is Effie’s memoranda from January 1902, 117 years ago in Illinois. June attempted to preserve her spelling, as have I.

Thursday, January 2
Set up Oldsmobile for W.J.Seble, Wyanet, Ill.

Sunday, January 5
Gave F.S. Fowler ride in Oldsmobile. Called at J.P. Spaulding’s. Played organ for Mabel Mercer morning and evening.

Monday, January 6
Mrs. Russell and Bradley sung at Mrs. Garten’s funeral “Nearer my God to thee”, “Lead Kindly Light,” and “Gathering Home” after which with Mrs. Flower, we called on Mrs. Fowler, Catherman – Mrs. R. & B. on Mrs. Fish & Livingstone.
Evening made doll and cut Neva a dress.

Tuesday, January 7
Mrs. Swarthout, Flower, McLean and I called on Mrs. Hickman, Davis Fuller. Minich, Howard Gibbs. Harry Gibbs & Lou Bryant.
Got seat for automobile.
Callers: Mrs. Storey & Mrs. Miller

Wednesday, January 8
Seth went canvassing near Bureau in Mobile, came home in mud.
Father & Mother B. over to dinner, fitted her black satin waist.
Club met at Mrs. Hickmans. Did not go.
Callers: Mrs. J. Miller, Misses Mercer, Morris, & Wilson, Mrs. Hodkins.

Thursday, January 9
John Bradley over to dinner
Attended the union evening services during week of prayer at M. P Church. Sermon by Rev.Odgers.

Saturday, January 11
Young Peoples Missionary Social at Church parlors
“Japanese” style, cooked the rice for them.
After Social gave Mabel Mercer, Lillie Mercer & Mr. and Mrs. Hodkins ride in Oldsmobile with new seat.

Sunday, January 12
Rev. McLaren and Livingstone exchanged pulpits in evening.
End. Leader. Loren Thurston
Seth & Harry went out to Ziras in Oldsmobile, gave Cairo Trimble ride when they returned, & Mrs. Dremann.

Monday, January 13
Went up town with Mrs. Flower, visited Board of Trade
Got Ina new brown dress, & myself French flannel striped waist.

Tuesday, January 14
Had Downer (plumber) putting basin in kitchen
Went to Missionary meeting at Mrs. May’s in Mobile also
Took Mrs. Dremann, Subject: “Medical Missions”
Gave rides to Lou Davis, Mac Jordan, Mr. Biede, & Washburn
Death of John Howard Bryant

Wednesday, January 15
Still hand plumbers at work.
Seth went to May’s in Oldsmobile

Thursday, January 16
All but Harry, Ina & Lee (who were in school) went to Wyanet and out home in Mobile; folks were at Aid Society, stopped at Ray’s while Seth was at Sebels.
Missed club which met at Mrs. McLeans.
Went to Wyanet & home.
Gave Anna & John ride.
Lillie Frazer married by Rev Livingstone.

Friday, January 17
Plumbers at work in bathroom.
Death of H.H.Ferris
Lee not feeling well, caught cold.

Saturday, January 18
Sino Weiser called. Took him home in Oldsmobile.
Gave Bert Clark ride.
Janice Phillips went to a funeral at Wateska, Belle Also, Mrs. Winser better.

Sunday, January 19
Lee not able to go to S.S. with his cold.
Seth, Harry & Ina went out home in Mobile, gave Mother B. ride & took Father B. to Lanz’s.
Funeral of H.H. Ferris.
Mrs. Elijah Ross’ brother died. (Millie)

Monday, January 20
Seth reached home with Harry & Ina in Automobile at 8:30.
Anna Berlin took dinner with us.
Sent Irwin & Newton, Toy gun & Ostrich.

Wednesday, January 22
Went to Club at Mrs. Vedders. Miss Wilhite, Miss Holloway, Mrs. Flower, Mrs. Jackson & Niece. Mrs. Romberger & myself present.
Sent coat to Chicago for pockets.
Eve went to prayer meeting. Mr. McLaren died.

Thursday, January 23
Kate Porter took dinner with us.
Seth took Ina & I up town, she got chatelaine bag.
Gave Editor Mercer Auto-ride.

Friday, January 24
Mrs. Diltz & sister of Tilskilwa called.
Rec’d coat from Chicago.
Mrs. E,Ross called.
Twisted Social at Church Parlors
Harry & Ina spoke. “If I were you and you were me.”
Called on Mrs. Winser & gave Zepha Mobile ride.
Gave Mary & Mr. McLean rides.

Saturday, January 25
Ina took dinner with Alice McLean.
Seth went out in Automobile.
Gave 3 Brown Boys, John Warfield, Miss Virden, Mr. Kaar, Fetrow & Russell rides.

Sunday, January 26
Very cold.
Led Endeavor meeting.

Monday, January 27
Very cold.
Seth went out in automobile.
Gave rides to Pearson, 2 Rasks, Kirkland, Pete Peterson, Hickman & Joyce Pratt.
Worked on Ina’s coat.

Tuesday, January 28
Marshall commenced work in the kitchen making table & cupboards.
Still cold. Made over black dress skirt
Helen Russel called in eve.

Wednesday, January 29
Mrs. E. Ross spent the afternoon with me * we embroidered on poppies, & we worked on battenburg.
Meetings commenced this eve – went.

Thursday, January 30
Lottie & Zira took dinner with us.
Meeting in evening.
Moderating with snow flurries.

Friday, January 31
Sent orders for Cuever Silver.
Sent orders for Rugs.
Bob & Band in evening at the Church.
Mrs. Phillips & Serena spent the afternoon with us.

She notes the weather nearly every day of the year after January. Most weeks are filled with family- or church-related activities (S.S. stands for Sunday school), a lot of cutting / sewing dresses and organising the house. I haven’t figured out what Endeavor was. Definitely related to church, possibly a youth group of sorts. Car rides were noted meticulously, I suspect they may have been proud of their Oldsmobile. Fair enough, it was one of earliest models available to the public, likely a Curved Dash. Autumn includes more pickle making.

There were more deaths than I expected. The memoranda are very matter-of-fact, but February seemed more threatening. All entries February 6–23 begin with “Quarantined” when her son Harry was ill. I’m not sure what it was, only that his skin was “scaling” and another person in the community took ill and died of scarlet fever around the same time.