Digging Aye Nako
Digging Aye Nako, found via bloodblistersisters. Wish I were in NYC/PA to see one of their shows…
Listen to Aye Nako (SoundCloud)
Digging Aye Nako, found via bloodblistersisters. Wish I were in NYC/PA to see one of their shows…
Listen to Aye Nako (SoundCloud)
I came into this world, not chiefly to make this a good place to live in, but to live in it, be it good or bad.
Internet artist, really like his stuff, don’t like the artspeak on his bio page (but everyone does that, really, so ok).
The first piece of his that I came across was via Grant Custer’s blog.
Barbara Hepworth’s well-worn workbench. Looks like it might have been made from scrap lumber, worth keeping in mind.