
It’s just a jump to the left

Just learned about Y2038 from this thread by John Feminella. ELI5 (almost) from Twitter user @stderrdk (source):

UNIX timestamps used to be a signed 32-bit integer with January 1st 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC as the start of epoch.

The maximum value of a signed 32-bit integer is 2147483647 and 2147483647 seconds after the start of Epoch is:

$ date -u -d @2147483647
Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 UTC 2038

We’re living in a time warp after all.


time, scratching, snow, and white noise


Last night was Musarc’s winter concert The Orrery on the first day of LCMF 2019. Our performance included a new commission from Lina Lapelytė Time to Become One, the UK premiere of Jennifer Walshe’s The White Noisery, György Ligeti’s Poème symphonique, Un soir de neige by Francis Poulenc, and Fritz Hauser’s Schraffur (Hatchings).

A glowing orb suspended over an audience and an assortment of metronomes in a darkened room

Everything revolved around a floating, glowing orb.

The evening was conceived in collaboration between Sam Belinfante, the contributing composers / artists, members of Musarc, and our inimitable directors Cathy Heller Jones and Joseph Kohlmaier. It all came together with a ton of help from friends and metronome-sitters, and exceedingly delicious vegan food was offered by Return to Shashamane.

It was intense and meditative. I’ve spoken to a few friends in the audience who had nice things to say, but also I’m curious to know what others in the audience thought. I’ve seen at least one good blurb, which is lovely.

Big things for the choir next year I expect. In the shorter term, I’m looking forward to the rest of LCMF’s Witchy Methodologies. Particularly On Rites and Reenchantment and On Gossip & Eavesdropping.

Image via LCMF