
Adventures in setting up ActivityPub + Webfinger on a Flywheel-hosted WordPress site

Update: We got it working! Take a look at this post for more.

I recently moved my hosting from NFSN to Flywheel. NFSN had served me beautifully for years, very economically, but I just don’t have as much time for admin anymore and Flywheel’s managed WordPress hosting was a useful move to cut down on that stress.

Alongside the hosting move, I’ve been trying to set up the very talented Matthias Pfefferle’s ActivityPub and Webfinger WordPress plugins to get this site on Mastodon.

Unfortunately, Flywheel doesn’t seem to play super nicely with the plugins. Part of this is Flywheel’s NGINX configuration which they lock down tight with good reason. But the bigger sticking point is Flywheel’s full-page caching mechanism. Though their caching provider supports content negotiation, Flywheel itself does not. This causes issues where JSON can end up being cached instead of HTML on various pages, most notably the homepage. (Apologies if you saw a JSON blob when visiting this site recently!) We tried to get around this by forcing the content type on the homepage and Webfinger endpoints, but JSON was still served up on the homepage whenever a client sent through a header with Accept: application/activity+json.

For now, I’ve deactivated the plugins. I’m hoping that Flywheel might look in to supporting them more broadly, but that realistically depends on demand from their customers. For posterity since I hope to revisit this in the future 🤞, here is the discussion about all of the above within the Webfinger repo, including some tips from Matthias.

Flywheel’s support staff have been pretty fantastic through all of this and I’ve been really happy with the hosting thus far so I’m not tempted to move hosts (again) for this. Not yet at least!


“Power and safety are not the same thing”

It’s been an awful, heartbreaking October.

I don’t really know what to say about the conflict in Gaza and Israel. Part of it is that I don’t feel like I know enough. Both about all of the micro and macro events that have led up to this, and what’s going on in this moment. And I don’t really feel justified to share my feelings. It seems performative considering I have no personal ties and am many thousands of miles away.

But Eli did a great job articulating his feelings in this post, and I wanted to share that here since it is the one thing I’ve read that most closely mirrors my current thoughts.

It all feels a bit like staring in to the void.

“Tragedy” is almost a meaningless word, with the frequency it occurs.


Finally went ahead and joined Bluesky, (missed out on @piper, ah well). Thx for the code, Sam. 😘 Definitely not planning to leave Mastodon any time soon, but it felt like it was time to give it a go. IDK, Mastodon has started to feel… very pessimistically cynical? Understandable, but also exhausting. I probably need to refine my follows a bit, haven’t done that in a while.

I skimmed past a New Yorker headline earlier titled “Why The Internet Isn’t Fun Anymore”. And yeah, agreed, it’s definitely not as happy-go-lucky as it was in the past.

But I still find it fun! Maybe even more fun in some ways? So many great people are carving out their own niches online (by that, I mean personal sites or newsletters), and that’s where the real fun lies.

In other words: it’s all about RSS, baby! A place to really nurture your braincells away from any prying eyes or algorithms, where you can follow and unfollow with abandon without wondering, “well if I unfollow, are they gonna think insert-ridiculous-worry?”

And I’ve been hearing unexpected folks talking about RSS, family members and that sort of thing. Whisper it: is RSS becoming mainstream? 🤞 A girl can dream.

Will Bluesky also spark that joy? I’m skeptical. Mastodon is close but isn’t *quite* up there with RSS for me. We’ll see!


Thoughts on search, AI as a rubber duck, and this blog

I’ve been working on a little side project recently that has been in the backlog for ages. I finally have a moment to pull it together, and it’s helping me brush up on a few Next.js 13 features I haven’t had the chance to play with yet.

As part of that, I’m doing a lot of searching around best practices on this that and the other, particularly server side rendering. It’s the first time in a while that I’ve been pointedly trying to use the internet to teach myself something in-depth related to coding, as opposed to finding quick sporadic answers.

Read some rambling thoughts on search 🔍, AI as a rubber duck 🦆, digital gardens 🪴, and the future of this blog 🧠


Dave Rupert’s animation-timeline example

See Dave Rupert’s post on scroll shadows with animation-timeline. Browser support isn’t quite there yet so it’s more of a progressive enhancement, but this is a great use case example.

He wrote that off the back of Bramus’s scroll-driven animation exploration, and wow. So many of those behaviors would have been useful on past projects…


Current listening: “Transatlanticism”

Currently listening to Transatlanticism 🐦
by Death Cab for Cutie.

One of my best friends from college just invited me to the Death Cab + Postal Service 20th anniversary gig at Madison Square Garden on the 20th. I am SO pumped.

Listening to Transatlanticism is giving me major high school flashbacks. Driving home past curfew on cool East Bay summer nights and knowing that I couldn’t possibly want, need, feel, any more than I did.


Manifesting cake

All of the birthdays in our little family fall within a 15 day period in the middle of the summer. There was a lot of cake around for nearly a month. And then we went to the UK to visit family who kindly wanted to celebrate all of our birthdays, so we did it all over again.

Now, B asks for cake after nearly every meal, sometimes for breakfast. Obviously we’ve been trying to phase it out, explaining that there’s none left. But there have been enough times when he’s asked for it at random moments and it has been around. So there’s no way he’s going to chance not asking for it.

This was the conversation the other day at his Nana’s table during lunch.


“No buddy, there’s no cake.”

“… Happy bur-day?”

“No buddy, there’s no cake. It’s no one’s birthday.”

“…… Happy bur-day Nana?”

“… 🤦🏻‍♂️”

It had been my birthday, Sam’s birthday, and his birthday already. But we hadn’t celebrated Nana’s yet, so it was a logical ask to be fair.

I asked him what his favorite song was yesterday, and he started singing Happy Birthday. (This was 100% a ploy for cake, his actual favorite song is “Hey Jude” because he likes to yell the NAH NAH NAH part.)

He’s still getting over jet lag since we arrived back from the UK last weekend, lots of 5:30am-ish wake-ups. This morning, he wandered sleepily out of his bedroom to go use the potty and the first thing he said was, “Bur-day?”

I’m pretty sure he thinks he can manifest cake.