
WordPress security resources

Links to a few of the security resources I find useful, some WordPress-specific and some more general.

A note about that “step-by-step” guide: it’s pretty decent, but IMO Wordfence is a better security plugin to go with. Sucuri is maybe more user-friendly, but Wordfence comes with more out-of-the-box (incl. two factor authentication and login limiting) and the settings seem more granular. Doesn’t hurt to try both though to see what’s the best fit.

Last edited 22 June 2019


WordPress function for images with ‘srcset’ attribute

Wrote a function returning an image element with srcset and sizes attributes. See this Gist for the function and this Gist for an example of the function in use (would need to be within the WP loop).

Wanted to give a front-end dev like Sam the ability to define the important bits, including the default image size for the src attribute, the media queries for the sizes attribute, and classes for the img element if necessary.

Edit 23 Jan 2019
This isn’t necessary anymore, responsive images have been part of WP core since v4.4. They’re implemented on wp_content automatically via a filter. Use their related functions if you need to do something custom. Responsive images are behaving a little erratically on my site though, so will have to take a look at why that might be happening.