
David Reinfurt on the beginnings of Dexter Sinister

This idea began as a bit of a joke of course, over whiskey in Nicosia late at night we said “Hey, we should run a book store with this stuff.” And like most things that are worth doing, the jokes are worth following through because they’re fun.

David Reinfurt on the beginnings of Dexter Sinister from his 17 March 2009 talk as part of the Walker’s Insights Design Lecture Series. Quote is a paraphrase, see 33:45 for full comment.


Graph paper used by Chana Horwitz

Chana Horwitz seems to have frequently used Keuffel & Esser Co. 8 × 8 to the inch graph paper. There were a few pieces in the Raven Row exhibition on 10 × 15 inch sheets with an orange grid. It looks like K&E was acquired in ‘87, wonder if she stockpiled a bunch of it. Also, food for thought: how do you mount+frame mylar in such a pristine way without any show-through?


Video tutorial on P5 and Prim’s Algorithm by Daniel Shiffman

I’ve wanted to do this for ages with Distributaries. I tried to find a minimum distance solution that wasn’t OTT back when I started collecting location coordinates, but I probably wasn’t using the right vocabulary in my searches… ended up ordering them manually (!). Would like to get this in place, I think the manual ordering is part of the reason I’ve been tardy in adding more coordinates.


Rhizome blog article about

Databases are generally associated less with open-endedness than with the muted horrors of bureaucracy, in which the fear and pain and misery of human experience is reduced to data and evidence.