
On California, and a book review

I grew up in California but moved away in mid-2010 to the UK for a postgrad at Central Saint Martins. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit San Francisco with my partner. It had been almost five years since I was last in the state.

I had a great time showing him some of my favorite things in San Francisco, discovering new favorites, seeing family and friends. California was as beautiful as I remember, perhaps more so. I didn’t realise just how much I had missed the environment, the fog and the wildlife. A couple of friends and I happened to visit Ocean Beach on an overcast day when thousands of bright indigo jellyfish-like creatures washed up on shore. I spent an afternoon walking the trails through Mt. Sutro with a good friend, passing California poppies, Pepper trees, serpentinite boulders, eucalyptus, mountain irises, hummingbirds, columbines, poison oak.

However, a few of the more disappointing aspects of Californian life have lingered in my mind since returning to the UK, things that I rarely noticed (or maybe more accurately, tried to ignore) when I was living in the Bay Area.

One moment from our trip sticks out in particular.

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Whiskey Sour recipe

Was shown the light this past New Years and have been enjoying whiskey sours ever since. Keep forgetting the recipe though.

Homer Sourball

Pour 2 parts bourbon, 1 part fresh lemon juice (or lime in a pinch), ½ part simple syrup, and ½ part egg white in to a shaker and shake for 20-30 seconds. The proteins in the egg generate significant foam and this will add pressure, so hold it tight. Next, add cubed ice and shake hard until very cold. Strain into a tumbler with fresh ice, and garnish with an orange peel twist if you’ve got it.

Note: Aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas) also works if you don’t want to use egg whites. The egg white from one US large egg is roughly 1 oz, so this is a great cocktail to make in batches of 2.