
The Alfond-Lunder Family Pavilion at the Colby College Museum of Art

Photo of the entrance to the Alfond-Lunder Family Pavilion at the Colby College Museum of Art

Lobby of the Colby College Museum of Art and the entrance to the Alfond-Lunder Family Pavilion.

Visited the Colby College Museum of Art recently for the fist time in years, the Alfond-Lunder Family Pavilion is a great addition. Wish I brought a proper camera.

Photo of the Colby Museum façade

Entrance to the museum, including Richard Serra’s “4-5-6” in the courtyard.


On Kitty Anderson’s talk about Carol Bove’s work, and on visiting the Barnes Foundation

I recently attended the talk Supporting Structures: The use of plinths and platforms in Carol Bove’s work at the Henry Moore Institute. Kitty Anderson’s talk coincided with the Carol Bove / Carlo Scarpa exhibition in the Institute’s main gallery spaces.

Installation view of the Carol Bove / Carlo Scarpa exhibition at the Henry Moore Institute

Installation view of the Carol Bove / Carlo Scarpa exhibition at the Henry Moore Institute, Gallery 1. Photo via blog Books & Boots (image source)

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On dead writer besties, from the Hairpin

On Dead Writer Besties, by Alexandra Molotkow from The Hairpin

It’s like realizing that there’s a garden when you’d only been shown one rose.

See also: Hazlitt Magazine, “a home for writers and artists to tell the best stories about the things that matter most to them” (Molotkow is a senior editor); The Female Quixote by Charlotte Lennox (free on Google Books and Girlebooks); Those Who Write for Immortality by Heather Jackson (available via Yale University Press).


Constructs in art

Researching the definition/concept of a construct (in science, in philosophy, in art) and came across a listing for On new constructs in art by Ernest Edmonds in the publications section of the compArt | center of excellence digital art database. Need to take a closer look at this database, they’re currently drawing attention to the early phase of digital art (roughly 1950 to 1980).


Linter (scss-lint) not working in Atom

Linting package linter-scss-lint was not working properly for me, with no linting occurring and no errors thrown. On top of that, other linters were functioning properly (i.e. linter-jshint). Came across issue Linters not linting…, and one comment suggested opening Atom from the command line. Tried this, and linter-scss-lint began working properly. Upon further searching, found issue noting that $PATH only present when Atom is launched from the command line.

Look in to this with Sam, he’s not having the same problems even though our .bash_profile and .bashrc files are the same. Check versions of Atom, all packages, Ruby, etc.


Surfing with coffee

Surfing w/ coffee. Order of exploration:

Google image search “knyttan blanket scarves”Today and Tomorrow post about a scarf (↓B) → Nicolas Sassoon (↓C) → Computers ClubAlexandria McCroskyAlexandria McCrosky in i want you magazine (↓D) → Google image search Alexandria McCrosky

Emoji Portraits by Yung Jake on Today and Tomorrow

artnet interview w/ SassoonOpening Times – Digital Art Comissions (↓E) → How Do We Write When We Write Online by Orit GatGat’s review of The People’s Platform, “Was the internet intended for you?” (↓F) → The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age by Astra Taylor

Jordan TateTrevor Paglen exhibition at Altman SiegelTrevor PaglenJacob Appelbaum (@ioerror)

“You Alright” by Nicholas O’Brien“In The Hollow of the Valley” by Nicholas O’BrienNewHive

BOMB magazine