“Design Q & A”, questions by Mme L’Amic, answers by the Eameses

Still from Design Q & A (image source)
Q: How would you define yourself with respect to a decorator? an interior architect? a stylist?
A: I wouldn’t.
One of 29 questions posed by Madame L’Amic and answered by Charles and Ray Eames. The resulting Design Q & A formed the conceptual basis of the exhibition Qu’est ce que le design? (What is Design?) at the Louvre. I believe the exhibition was held in 1969, though I have seen 1972 listed elsewhere.
The transcript and video are available online. For best results however, see it at the excellent The World of Charles and Ray Eames exhibition designed by 6a architects and John Morgan studio. It’s on at the Barbican until 14 February 2016.