
And now the Shipping Forecast

Lows western France 1011 and 100 miles east of Iceland 991 losing their identities

The General Synopsis from the Shipping Forecast issued by the Met Office on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency at 1100 UTC on 18 February 2016.

Couldn’t find the shipping forecast on the Met Office DataPoint’s product list, but I did find the relevant XML feed.


Article on digital preservation for artists by Ben Fino-Radin

Off the back of some recent thoughts regarding the archiving of websites, SB sent me a link to “Digital Preservation in the Artist’s Studio” by Ben Fino-Radin. The article provides an extremely thorough overview of what steps might be involved in digitally archiving studio output, along with a few real-world examples. Love this stuff.


Walker blog interview with Maximage

Walker blog interview with Maximage

I asked SB about people/studios that push the offset printing process when we were discussing a potential litho print last week, and he mentioned Berlin-based collective Maximage. The 2013 interview in the Walker design/art blog (linked above) sheds light on their interest in intervention.

Photo of the cover of Acid Test by Maximage

The cover of Acid Test, 2010. Image from Swiss Design Awards (image source)


Archival boxes from Conservation By Design

With the recent move from Leeds back down to London, we’ve really had to take stock of our work storage situation. It’s been a bit sub-par, consisting of an assortment of A-sized folders, cardboard poster-tubes, and some sturdy but very light-penetrable boxes.

Saw some very nice grey storage boxes by Conservation By Design at a degree show last year, might have been Premier Duo PM Metal-Edge boxes. A few of these would be a step in the right direction. Next up: sort out comprehensive digital storage once and for all…