
Linter (scss-lint) not working in Atom

Linting package linter-scss-lint was not working properly for me, with no linting occurring and no errors thrown. On top of that, other linters were functioning properly (i.e. linter-jshint). Came across issue Linters not linting…, and one comment suggested opening Atom from the command line. Tried this, and linter-scss-lint began working properly. Upon further searching, found issue noting that $PATH only present when Atom is launched from the command line.

Look in to this with Sam, he’s not having the same problems even though our .bash_profile and .bashrc files are the same. Check versions of Atom, all packages, Ruby, etc.


Surfing with coffee

Surfing w/ coffee. Order of exploration:

Google image search “knyttan blanket scarves”Today and Tomorrow post about a scarf (↓B) → Nicolas Sassoon (↓C) → Computers ClubAlexandria McCroskyAlexandria McCrosky in i want you magazine (↓D) → Google image search Alexandria McCrosky

Emoji Portraits by Yung Jake on Today and Tomorrow

artnet interview w/ SassoonOpening Times – Digital Art Comissions (↓E) → How Do We Write When We Write Online by Orit GatGat’s review of The People’s Platform, “Was the internet intended for you?” (↓F) → The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age by Astra Taylor

Jordan TateTrevor Paglen exhibition at Altman SiegelTrevor PaglenJacob Appelbaum (@ioerror)

“You Alright” by Nicholas O’Brien“In The Hollow of the Valley” by Nicholas O’BrienNewHive

BOMB magazine


On California, and a book review

I grew up in California but moved away in mid-2010 to the UK for a postgrad at Central Saint Martins. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit San Francisco with my partner. It had been almost five years since I was last in the state.

I had a great time showing him some of my favorite things in San Francisco, discovering new favorites, seeing family and friends. California was as beautiful as I remember, perhaps more so. I didn’t realise just how much I had missed the environment, the fog and the wildlife. A couple of friends and I happened to visit Ocean Beach on an overcast day when thousands of bright indigo jellyfish-like creatures washed up on shore. I spent an afternoon walking the trails through Mt. Sutro with a good friend, passing California poppies, Pepper trees, serpentinite boulders, eucalyptus, mountain irises, hummingbirds, columbines, poison oak.

However, a few of the more disappointing aspects of Californian life have lingered in my mind since returning to the UK, things that I rarely noticed (or maybe more accurately, tried to ignore) when I was living in the Bay Area.

One moment from our trip sticks out in particular.

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Judd essay on function v. art

I’ll be your interface* is a recently-closed (shame!) exhibition organised by Roxana Fabius at the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. The exhibition featured recent work by Dexter Sinister and objects from the Marieluise Hessel Collection.

There was a talk in March at the Judd Foundation (NYC) about work that doesn’t make a “crisp distinction” between function and art, sounded interesting (see more on Dexter Sinister).

Required further reading since I missed the talk: Donald Judd, It’s Hard to Find a Good Lamp, 1993.