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GitHub repo for is a link aggregator by Joshua Stein that runs on Rails. See the About page for a run down of it’s features and the reasons behind them.

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What Do We Lose When It’s Easy to Use? In Defence of Inefficiency

Lecture by Andy Pressman of Rumors and Verso Books for DWP.

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“The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge” by Rainer Maria Rilke

‘There are no beginners’ classes in life. What is required of you is always the hardest thing, right from the start.’

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before sleep at the end of love (description of a lullaby)

Tuesday 27 September 2016, 7–7.30pm
Bold Tendencies, Car park floors 7-10, 95A Rye Ln, London SE15 4TG
Tickets £8 on door

An opera by Sarah Hardie. Music composed collaboratively with Jack Sheen, choreography by Eleesha Drennan. Performance by Sarah Hardie, Angela Hardie, and Musarc. I’ve really enjoyed working on this and am looking forward to the performance.

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Proposal with Mobile Studio for RIBA’s Constructing Communitites

Photo of the Constructing Communities wall vinyl

I enjoyed working on a proposal with Mobile Studio recently for Constructing Communities. This evening at the RIBA building on Great Portland Street, Julie Cormie is giving a pecha kucha on ‘Flipping Bricks’, our proposal for an architectural intervention driven by real-time train data.

The photos above and below are from the opening of the exhibition of shortlisted proposals in Peckham Levels, on from 2-30 June 2016. The exhibition graphics are by Matias Clottu.

Panoramic photo of Constructing Communities


Photo of midsummer Musarc performance at The Old Truman Brewery in Shoreditch

Musarc performing at the Old Truman Brewery on the summer solstice in 2016

Recently had the pleasure of participating in “On repetition: Musarc folk meet on a midsummer day until dusk II”. The evening culminated in a performance of Tape Music: Score for Musarc (2015) by Lin Chiwei.

See more at


Link to an essay about the Guidonian Hand

The Guidonian Hand →

An essay by Karol Berger from The Medieval Craft of Memory: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Relevant to an upcoming Musarc performance conceived by Hefin Jones for an Up Projects event.

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Edit 20 May 2016 — Photo from last night ↓

Photo taken by Laura M A Harford of Musarc performing a Hefin Jones piece for Up Projects

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Edit 24 May 2016 — Even more photos on


“Design Q & A”, questions by Mme L’Amic, answers by the Eameses

Still from Design Q & A, questions asked by Madame L'Amic and answered by Charles and Ray Eames

Still from Design Q & A (image source)

Q: How would you define yourself with respect to a decorator? an interior architect? a stylist?

A: I wouldn’t.

One of 29 questions posed by Madame L’Amic and answered by Charles and Ray Eames. The resulting Design Q & A formed the conceptual basis of the exhibition Qu’est ce que le design? (What is Design?) at the Louvre. I believe the exhibition was held in 1969, though I have seen 1972 listed elsewhere.

The transcript and video are available online. For best results however, see it at the excellent The World of Charles and Ray Eames exhibition designed by 6a architects and John Morgan studio. It’s on at the Barbican until 14 February 2016.