A livestream on livestreaming
Jon-Kyle recently did a livestream on livestreaming, frustrated that I missed it! But he posted the recording and his notes on his site, see Ways of Going Live. Looks like I need to check out Mux.
Jon-Kyle recently did a livestream on livestreaming, frustrated that I missed it! But he posted the recording and his notes on his site, see Ways of Going Live. Looks like I need to check out Mux.
Just attended a virtual rehearsal with Musarc and it was marvellous. Hopefully the first of many. Fingers crossed that they continue the digital format even after we can touch once again, at least once in a while for those far away.
Another Musarc gig coming up this weekend, this time we’ll be in the Whitechapel Bell Foundry /// Info & tickets /// Watch video (YouTube)
The progression of an idea has a grain. Sometimes it’s obvious, sometimes less so. I can’t fully articulate what I mean by this, but it feels important. Possibly related to a shift in perception, approaching intangibles as materials that can be physically manipulated.
Surfing with coffee #4. This is off the back of Odrathek with Musarc, includes a few things/people I’ve looked in to after that overwhelming experience. Not comprehensive, but perhaps consider this big wave surfing…
Célia Gondol (B↓)(C↓) Chase the vibrations; Jenny Moore (↓D) (↓E) Sang “Reclaim the night” the whole way back last night (Central line din disguises humming nicely); Neil Luck (↓F) Reliving childhood softball injury; Bartosz Glowacki with Lore Lixenberg (↓G) First time a live musical performance has made me cry; Edka Jarząb (↓H) Intoxicating voice for change; need to find the red book she read from on third day; read Warsound Warszawa; Rie Nakajima (↓I) Creator and destroyer of helpless noise creatures
Cordel Literature on Wikipedia
Reclaim the night, sung at Greenham Common women’s peace camp
Thank you internet, 8m51s in on showreel (↓J)
Bloody Sirens GET IT NOW!
Akkordeon Baroque, tickets for 23 May 2018
Wyjaśnienie na marginesie – Ginczanka // Explanation in the margin – Ginczanka (↓K)
Dead Plants and Living Objects (↓L)
Zuzanna Ginczanka (↓M)
On Centaurs (↓) Not ideal since it seems to be paginated for press…
And 🌈, with added 🌧! To be restaged next Saturday 19 May 2018 at the RA for RA250.
– – – is a link aggregator by Joshua Stein that runs on Rails. See the About page for a run down of it’s features and the reasons behind them.
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What Do We Lose When It’s Easy to Use? In Defence of Inefficiency
Lecture by Andy Pressman of Rumors and Verso Books for DWP.
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“The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge” by Rainer Maria Rilke
‘There are no beginners’ classes in life. What is required of you is always the hardest thing, right from the start.’
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before sleep at the end of love (description of a lullaby)
Tuesday 27 September 2016, 7–7.30pm
Bold Tendencies, Car park floors 7-10, 95A Rye Ln, London SE15 4TG
Tickets £8 on door
An opera by Sarah Hardie. Music composed collaboratively with Jack Sheen, choreography by Eleesha Drennan. Performance by Sarah Hardie, Angela Hardie, and Musarc. I’ve really enjoyed working on this and am looking forward to the performance.
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Photo of multimedia artist Joan Jonas by Sebastian Kim for Interview Magazine (image source)